LSA Question

Intake closing is determined by the intake lobe centerline and intake duration...

You can bump the intake centerline forward or backward and keep the same lobe center.... The exhaust centerline will follow if the lobe centers are kept constant/equal...

You can pick a lobe separation and then tune in when the intake closes by establishing the intake lobe centerline... You can have a lobe separation of 108° and bump the intake centerline as needed to close the intake valve wherever you want it to affect your cylinder pressure/dynamic compression....

It takes two parameters/degrees of freedom to lock in the intake valve closing and lobe centers....
Do not forget the main person here is the person that asked a question, the OP. For cam selection he is a neophyte, so KISS is required. This is why I recommended he watch DV's cam select videos or get a copy of How to Build Horsepower.
For more experienced builders we can get down and dirty with opening and closing events, and the whys.