Questions regarding Sirius XM.

We have it in both vehicles, as well as the app on my phone. Wifes 2015 Elantra can't get channel 350(and others) due to the age of the satellite unit Ilin her car. My 17 Ram does. I'm sure there's channel's we're both missing due to vehicle age.
It's on my phone and it's perfect for listening to while in shop, plus it runs in background while doing anything else.
For example if yer listening to YouTube on phone and go to fabo, YouTube pauses.
Reception, amazing. There are some blind spots when I'm driving in city, BUT very few.
Yes songs get replayed, but not as often as radio, plus the selection is limitless, so swap channel's for a day or so.
Yes there are ads, doesn't seem as much tho.
Threaten to cancel and you may get it as cheap as $5/10 a month??
Oh also on phone you can always find hometown announcers for whichever sport you choose.