"Early A" doesn't cut it

I respectfully offer the OP an invitation to join in our N & P section!!
I assume that is a sincere invitation, so thank you.
But based on my experience, they ultimately figuratively turn into rock throwing soap boxes where nobody is really listening or interested in another's perspective on any matter, and the primary objective is to rant and change everyone else's position but not yours. I am listening very close, and why I often use quotes to keep a discussion focused, but ultimately N&P does not seem to be a great format to widen one's understanding, but mainly a good place to blow off steam, and some need that and I am glad it exists for those that need and enjoy that. This one maybe different, but I do not currently desire to find out.
IMO the elevation of the similar forum 24/7 on Moparts correlates rather well to its slow decline sadly. As much as I willingly participated, I also suggested it be restricted to only certain times as the divisiveness was starting to run members off. That Moparts forum, is now the most active it appears as Moparts winds down.