Desk Top Dyno

I think his heads were the ones Brett ported. Brett posted that he needed a set to experiment with so I’m thinking those are the heads going on his engine.
I donated the head that Brett is developing. Larry smith ported the heads that I'm going to use but he passed away before he could finish them. Brett is going to finish the port job and install 5/16 stem valves in them and cut them down for the T&D rocker system. So the flow sheet that I posted should be close enough for me to get the idea of what the engine will make. Them main goal is to be able to push 3100 lbs to a 5.95 1/8 mile et. And I'm pretty sure that I can accomplish this. Didn't mean to create all of this. But thank you to DionR for helping with this guestimate . With the current cam selection it should make 720 @ 7500. going to try a different cam tonite.