Trying to summon the motivation

Didn't you recently retire? Working hard your entire life will do that to a person.
Relax, the motivation and energy will rebound.
See, now I found the opposite......

I am 59 and retired when I was 51. If I had a job to do, time was limited so I used every free minute I got. A built my house during my 2 week holiday for pete's sake and a 3000 sq ft 2 level shop in 6 weeks working sun up to sun down every day.

My wife and I get lots of exercise, eat well, and are not sedentary. Every summer, we spend lots of time on the road in the RV.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get started on anything now. LOL, my new motto is "well maybe tomorrow" As someone stated earlier, patience is at a minimum as well. When I do finally start something, and it doesn't go smoothly, I get so pissed off.

I can't figure it out......