Exhaust Manifolds

One thing about trying to buy a car off the internet now days, you need all your ducks in a row, all your cash ready, and be able to pounce on a car as soon as it hits the internet. You can't drag your feet because within the first hour, hundreds of prospective buyers know about it. If you snooze, you loose and I imagine that's what is happening here. I found my 66 on E bay. I was lucky it was only 45 min. from my door. I contacted the seller and arranged for a look see and I came back home and watched the bidding. It just so happened that I was the highest bidder but the reserve hadn't been met. I contacted the seller and he sold it to me for $500 more. That saved him a bundle because he didn't have to pay any fees. I wasn't going to let an extra $500 stop me from owning it. It worked well for both of us.