ATM/Holley verses Carter 625 AFB

Please explain how the boosters you have will make more power and what makes them the best on the market?

I’ll tell you what I know, because…well…that’s what I know. If you want the science behind it you’ll have to call Mark Whitener at Lightning Racing Carbs and ask him.

I can’t remember for 100% sure but IIRC these are 22 hole boosters. They may only be 20 hole, but I didn’t count them. My memory says 22 holes. So that’s a thing right there.

The other thing I know is that unlike other (I guess you could say all others) annular boosters these do not restrict flow.

And the last thing I know is these boosters have more gain (without dropping flow) than any other booster out there.

IIRC, Mark has a 70 inch manometer and his boosters will bury the manometer. No other booster gets close.

So with 20-22 holes, no flow loss and a huge signal gain these boosters make it so you can use a bigger carb not lose any flow. Of course, with booster gain like that atomization goes through the roof.

I have 70 and 80 main jets right now. By the time they are done and ready for my tunnel ram I’m pretty sure the jetting will be in the 64-65 and 72-74 range. Where I end up with a main bleed I’m not sure. I’m thinking for emulsion it will only take one hole. The size and location will have to be tested.