Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, thank God for small miracles. This morning I got up early, went out and did my thing and went to Church. She was telling me last night. There's a party today at 11:00. Told her I did not want to go. Her. Girlfriend's picked her up and took her there. I spent my day roaming around spending some time at some cafes and just basically having a good time alone. She texted me around 5:00 p.m. said that her and some friends were coming back to my house to drink more. Lol. So they did. Now 8:22 p.m. here. I will admit I did drink four beers with them before they all fell out and went home. She has also fallen out. But she will be getting up at 4:00 a.m. to go to yoga class. Lol
Me at a yoga class would not be good, esp after drinking all day/before lol! Good on ya, gotta regulate sometimes