Could really use some help...again..

Thanks a ton for all the info and help. I have tested anything yet but I did, on the tip from a buddy, get my hazards and blinkers working.. He said turn your hazards on and press the plastic where the wires are connected..and damn, they started working. So, I guess I'm gonna replace the blinker / turn signal switch.. I'll probably replace the headlight switch too. Even if it's not necessarily the problem, it's a 52 year old part, so why not.
Again, appreciate the help..!
Because the new parts aren't as well made as the old ones.
Because to save money they make one size to fit most and tell you its the right part.

Good luck on finding a new headlight switch with a 15 amp circuit breaker like the originals.
Do a search here for threads about turn signal switches, and I think you find new is not always better or even good.

If squeezing a connector fixed a connection, then fix that.
Was it oxidation, or was it the terminals backing out, or was it the terminal to wire crimp? Those can be addressed. The terminals are held into the plastic connectors with little barbs.
Also once everything is working, get the wire cables back in their supports. That way they don't hang an dmove around - that causes problems over time.