Weight loss and perseverance

Here is an example of what I mean about being more capable.

These are 100 retaining wall blocks weighing 22 lbs each. I made 4 trips to the home center last week to get them, loading 550 lbs on a cart, pushing it 100 yards and then loading them into my vehicle. Once home, I unloaded them and stacked them on the pile.

Rinse and repeat 4 times. That is 2200 lbs moved 3 times and pushed on a cart over 100 yards along the way.

Sure, I felt the effort…but it only invigorated me in anticipation of hauling them up and down across the yard several more times in a few weeks to building the retaining wall that they will become.

I never thought I would be so excited to work this hard and look forward to doing even more…but I like it!
