Valiant V200 wagon - tailgate window weatherstripping

Oh OK. I wonder if the same stuff that’s used on the 2 lower channels would work. I will check
Ah! I hadn't thought about that... I haven't had my tailgate apart yet. Of course, there must be material in those channels. Did you get those from Joe as well? I got my outer belt weatherstripping from Laysons (LAYSON'S RESTORATIONS - DODGE, CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH RESTORATION PARTS).

The first P/N column in the attached is for Dart/Valiant. I take it 2242 846 is the weatherstripping folks have adapted from Suchy's B Body kit for the lower opening; the "outer" tailgate glass weatherstripping (2423 533) is also available from Suchy, as from Laysons, and again must be trimmed since it's for a B Body. the "inner" tailgate glass weatherstripping (2242 837) is, I think, what I'm looking for - it seals the glass on the top and two sides when rolled up.

Whatever material lines the channels in the lower tailgate itself isn't weatherstripping, per se; I haven't yet found it in the parts book.
