Bumper stickers

I see too many "rookie driver" bumper stickers that people put on their teen's car.
I want to get one made that says "You were once 15 yrs old on a learner's permit, too. Be patient"
Last year my wife totalled her winter beater, so I replaced it with the same car, only a few years newer

I wanted to stick with the AWD version so she ended up with an ex police car
As luck would have it, that is basically a hemi R/T with AWD

she doesn't like it as much as the 08 charger she had before

(The 08 was classy, the 15 too flashy)

The "solution" she came up with is next year, when our oldest gets his permit he can take the charger and we'll buy her something more of a "mom car" (I'm thinking wagoneer)

I can't imagine the looks he would get with one of those "student driver" stickers on his 400 hp charger