Knee injection day

The shots worked for a few years for me, till one pushed something into my left knee. It opened up my world to the joys of knee surgeries.
1. Clean septic knee and scope.
2. 5 more scopes to delay replacements. 3, each knee.
3. Left knee replacement.
4. Right knee replacement.
5. Left knee replaced again, due to ligament damage. I'm not always smart.
6. I didn't follow time instructions, and tore left quad muscle.
7. My dog licked a cut on my leg, and I went septic, causing...
8. Clean out infection in left knee, replace a couple parts and repair quad muscle.
It's been about 18 months, and I can do most stuff again. All the operations and age have played into my abilities.
This year, it's three esophageal ablations/burns, to help prevent cancer. [first one on Monday/26th] These will be operations 22,23, 24. YEA!!! Golden years, my ***!
Let that be a lesson for dog owners!