oh-oh, debris!

With that amount of debris on the filter, the converter will also be contaminated. AND not matter what anybody tells you, it would need to be taken apart and cleaned. I know your in the Netherlands, but consider getting a rebuilt converter at the same time.
Well, we got a few steps ahead.
Only a few miles from home we have a transmission specialist that only works for garagists. My son's former boss works over there. So we managed to become retailer-customer over there. My converter is now rebuilt. We picked an other transmission that had a couple of pan bolt-holes that were bad, but with all new parts in it. I got the holes done and with Carl H. Munroe at the workbench we did all the procedures and checks and we're now ready to install the transmission and converter next thursday. Tonight I'm going to flush the cooler and lines.
In my opinion I have a 40% chance on succes, haha.
If it's no succes I will kick out some all this stuff and replace the transmission with a professionally rebuilt one.