How do I disconnect the two heater cables from the heater box on a 65 Dart?

Hi All - My heater core went out almost a year ago.. i'm finally deciding to do something about it. My goal at the end will be to completely rebuild the box with new foam, paint it, new core, and reinstall. Hopefully going to photograph the entire process and do a write up because I can't seem to find one anywhere and I feel thats valuable.

I'm inspecting everything before pulling the heater box out and I wanted to know from people with experience how to go about disconnecting the two heater control cables from the heater box "Z bar" as I'm calling it:


The above picture shows how the cable wraps around this "Z bar" (in this case to control the amount of heat entering the car). The top of the rod has some sort of crimped cap and then it SEEMS like the cable is wrapped around the rod a few times. The other "Z bar" (the selector between heat and defrost) has what appears to be the same:



It's understandably difficult to get in there and see.. so I wanted to ask the community before destroying a part I can't exactly just go and purchase when i DO break it. Could someone let me know how they go about disconnecting the two cables away from the heater box for uninstall?

Thanks in advance.