Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

DV gives the example of a 496 that has the LSA too wide by 1* & it will lose 10-15 ft/lbs. That would be a 2* change in a 720* cycle. Sounds about right to me. He also says that if the LSA is changed from optimal, the loss will be less if the LSA was tighter v wider....or words to that affect.
To me you need something that requires a wide lsa, like a 13:1 289 with a 2.08 valve, DVs would recommend a 112 then if every degree tighter loss 10-15 tq I be more inclined to believe it. But cause formula kind of recommends for most decent size engines under 110, an lsa range most would generally recommend if you want most out of your engine anyways.