Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

Funny how there seems to be two extremes here, he's a con man or how dare you question him.
I’m nether but wonder about those extremes.

But yet, people come here, seek help from the internet strangers, take the advice and are happy from these no face, no name, no notoriety people based on there claims that they “Know” or “I’ve been there and done that, trust me, it’s the way to go.”

Since your doubting and discrediting DV. What’s your argument against his claims?

Where is your data for proof?

What is your history in this area and expertise level that your going to claim?

You can doubt him. But to discredit him based on… what now?
This isn’t me being a DV flag waving supporter saying “How dare you!” It’s me wondering about you and your discrediting words against him when you have been here for years asking questions and getting things not just wrong but stupendously backwards!