Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

There is never going to be an optimal LSA when all the lobes are on one cam.

If that’s what you are arguing you’ll never be happy with any math to give you a starting point. And that’s what ALL the math is. A starting point.

That’s why testing matters.
My point was that in those dynos each degree of lsa was only worth about 3lbs-ft on average from 114-101, you'd have to be 10-17 degrees of lsa off to be losing the 30-50lbs-ft that DV implies and looks if you went tighter then recommend you'll still be gain.

Now I know those test are far from universal and not really setup to prove or disprove DV, my point is that the dude was using them as evidence and to me showed doubt, that's all the point I was trying to make.