Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

If the formula recommends a 108°LSA, DV states there will be more loss using a 110°LSA cam than a 106°LSA cam.
Well in those dynos buddy uses as evidence they gain the tighter you go, from 120 to 101 at an average of 3 lbs-ft per degree, So if your example followed that trend 108 would make about 6 lbs-ft more than 110 and 106 would of made 6 lbs-ft over 108 and 104 would make another 6 lbs-ft, but the gains as they got tighter the gap did shrink but there was gains.
If those held up to lose 30-50lbs-ft + over recommended 108 you'd have to run 118-125 + lsa.

Like I said doesn't necessary disprove maybe cast a doubt but certainly doesn't prove.
Especially when most use a 116 at worse and more like 108-112 and the formula generally recommends 105-110.