who to trust for hydraulic flat lifters these days?

"Cam Savers"? Never heard of those. were they like Rhoads where they bled down more, to tame a too hot cam or did they somehow make up for a lobe that was going flat? (don't see how that could happen, a lifter aint gonna put metal back onto a lobe) or solve some other cam issue?
Anybody use those Lunati ones I asked about? I see those on Amazon cheaper than I did on feeebay, with free shipping even. and specs say they're supposed to be made in USA.
theres always the old Melling or sealed power etc "old standbys" I am pretty sure I don't want anything from Comp these days.
How much does it cost to have a set of old ones refaced? I remember that Oregon does that, it would be nice if someone quasi local does/
Naw. They are Crower's version of direct lube lifters. They have a flat ground down the side that allows pressurized oil right on each lobe. Mine started up and broke in fine. When the engine got to operating temp, it sounded like I had a solid cam. I did some online research and it's a common problem. The theory is the flats are too big and allow too much oil to bypass the lifter plunger and they bleed down when hot. At any rate, I put the $4.99 Melling lifters in it and it has been great. I got lucky twice. I broke a flat tappet hydraulic cam in two times in a row and had no damage. Been driving the truck over a year now and it's still quiet as a mouse and runs great.