Cat Pics

Land bats lmao.
I've got alot of names for them. Their black brother Rebel and calico sister Sissy we believe went the way of Wile E. Coyote sadly. They were all a blast when kittens.
The guys like to wrestle once in a while which is always good for a laugh.

Once in awhile. I could sell
Tickets. Lol
oh man, it's like an MMA match with some WWF theatrics thrown in. the big brother is 13lb to his little brother's 9lb frame, but man they both give as good as they get. i'll be in stitches when they get going trying to bite each other on the butt/tail section.

when i see them focused up on something i go: land bats: armed! land bats: FIRE!!
and egg them on with: sicc balls! get 'em! get 'em! attack! much to the chagrin of Dr. The Mrs.