I wish it was closer craigslist finds

What is hard for me to remember, realize..today is Mar 5, 2024 and NOT Mar. 5, 1995!!!!!! A dollar 30 years ago ain't the same as today!

BUT/////Every year, these old cars get more and more scarce. People spend crazy money on the "right" model , AND on cars that 25 years ago, weren't even a decent parts car!!!!! Old boneyards are mostly history. 99% of all old parts are in the hobbiest garage or shed or under a pine tree.

But we all know that unless born just yesterday!!

But you can check out 1000s of old cars for here in Texas or anywhere, on FB Marketplace and I bet 99% never come close to bring the offerred price. Cars on there that sell quick are models that people want and priced fair. What the heck are these guys smoking!???????????/////