It's time to have a serious discussion about end-of-life priorities

Someday, I'm going to die. (hopefully between a blonde and a redhead)

For years, it's been in my will that whatever conveyance I have between where I drop and where I'm dropped off needs to be a Mopar. I don't really care if it's a manure-spattered D250 farm truck or a 300C with a piano crate strapped to the roof, I just don't want my final ride to be in some crappy goddamned Cadillac hearse. I've posted about this before.

Yesterday I met a guy that rebuilds embalming equipment for a living, and he collects Pontiac Ambulances from the '60's. He turned me on to the Professional Car Society. He said if you need a classic hearse, ambulance, limo, etc., you need a 'professional car', and these are the people.
He said there's a smidgeon of Mopar representation there and these people genuinely understand the emotional needs of my money-grubbing next of kin.
Check 'em out. Not sure how many A-body hearses there are, but if there is, these are the people.
Remember, you're going to die too. If you're family isn't willing to go Weekend At Bernies with you in your car, this might be your option.

Some of these cars are simply awesome. (These photos are taken from for sale ads so they're ratty, but the member forums are pretty neat)




1950 Plymouth flower car!!!

(yes I included a 3-way joke, because some hearses are apparently called 3-way's)