Stock Market

Yeah... i have a mental block against stops and safety it seems... my brain is like "Don't worry, it will come back"

My last outing was playing with meme stocks and hoping for a longshot.. At this point i have zero in my stock account and don't plan to play again, i'm just too dumb for it

I know exactly what you mean, I still have dead stocks on my screen, just to remind me of how stupid I have been.
Got pot stocks down beside the Titanic cuz I didn't use stops "cuz I was so smart, and watch everyday, and as soon as you say, " I wish it'd turn around", you're sunk, sell it then or you have a new piece of bathroom wallpaper.
Been, am there.
Emotions, falling in love. Bane of all traders.
Analytics, chart, no emotions .
Lol, tough to do.