Factory high stall converter

Factory stalls are all over the place. You’ll have to be specific on the exact converter you have to know where it stalls at.
Yes, that I know. I am looking at a 340 converter, as the cam grinder suggested 2500 or more stall speed, and there is one local to me for a decent deal I thought might be worth trying.
You cannot brake check a converter in any gear but high gear and that requires a manual valve body. High gear puts more load on the converter and will make it stall to its maximum RPM for a given combination. It's all in the Mopar Performance books in black and white.
I know how to check it, that's not the info I am after...
70' 340 Duster....Factory installed converter with stock engine other then a Hemi grind cam and 750 carb, foot braked to 2200. May have flashed a hair more.
Do you recall what gear ratio was in the car?
The stall speed of a c'ter depends on the engine torque. A 440 will stall at a higher rpm than a 340.
Yes, I am aware...as does weight, gear ratio, etc. Hence why I am asking for a little about the combos, so I can maybe get a rough idea of something possibly similar to what I intend.