My New Toy 1968 Barracuda Fastback Formula S

Everyone has their own way of doing things, that's what makes this hobby so great. Everyone has their own car and they can do whatever and however they want with it, but I am a firm believer of do it once and do it right and I sure don't want to have it yanked out again because of a problem. I hope yours doesn't leak or anyone else's for that matter, if you are like I am I just want to keep moving along.
My windshield been in for 20 years and I washed it few times recently no carpet in car no heat/ac under dash bone dry not one drop. Wasn't looking to save money on sealant or half *** either. I looked at channel drains looked at how smooth my channel was new rubber seal soft pliable didn't see any need for any sealant. Got lucky it worked for me. I am sure your glass guy who does it every day knows way more then me ect ect ect...