Converter- 67 273/904

In my wife’s ‘67 Cúda, the 904 has the earlier lower count spline. I can’t remember right now what it was. A new converter with the earlier lower spline count isn’t possible. I looked around a lot.

What I did do was go to my local race converter builder
( ProTorque | High Performance Drag Racing Torque Converters )
They custom rebuilt the converter to my cars weight, drivetrain set up & engine power. It’s now rated to 750hp.

Personally and without knowing a darn thing about your engine, 2000 can easily be lower than the stock stall rating. 2500 min.!

But don’t listen to me on that. Find a guy near you or visit my guys above and give them every detail about your engine build, cars weight, gear ratio and tire size and tell them what kind of driving it’s for and how it’ll be used. They will set you right up.

Your location says “La” which is Alabama IIRC for abbreviations?
Isn’t PTC near you? The PTC owner is a MoPar guy to boot.

Get your OEM converter custom rebuilt and re stalled. FWIW, the one in my wife’s car runs and operates great! Drives normal, hammer the throttle it stalls to where they said it would, zero issues. This is a move I’d do again in a heart beat flat.

When I comes to the drivetrain, this was the best move I made having it redone custom for the car and I s drivetrain and usage.