First Project

I don't have an answer to either of these. I travel months at a time for work and being as my expenses are low and I make alright money I don't need to build something low budget. It definitely doesn't help with the motivation but as long as I keep spending money on parts I'll have a reason to stay motivated right?
spending money on a whole bunch of stuff that sits in boxes and collects dust in a room would just bum me out when i came come from months on the road.

reaching goals and seeing results keeps me motivated.

i'd be kinda bummed out if i rolled back into town ready to rock and roll on my project and found out that the stuff i bought was wrong, didn't work, wasn't what i needed, etc and delayed the project.

success to projects like this start in the planning stages. i'd map out your ideas for the car and get an idea of what kind of budget you want to entirely exceed before you just start buying parts.

start with taking an inventory of what you have car wise, and what you'll need to even get the motor and trans in and the chassis modifications and components you'll need so that it will handle the amount of power you plan on.