I had a 16 ft Mitchi-craft square stern canoe that everyone always wanted to borrow. I loaned it out many times until it was brought back with a huge dent in the side. I had had it since the 8th grade and never put a tiny dent in it. I asked the guy to get it fixed...and I have to admit HE DID. He took it to a local marina mechanic and the guy got that huge dent out and I couldn't even tell it was ever there. He was the only guy I let borrow the canoe until it was stolen from my yard...which was coincidentally located right next to the state police garage. The case was never solved. We moved due to flooding and I later found out the canoe was taken by the city code enforcement officer along with several other things post flood. Somehow he thought he could just take whatever was still good after the flood. We found out where he lived and went over there at night and stole it back.