Anyone know about International Scouts???

This one started right up with a new battery and cables today. :thumbsup:
At its age there are liable to be the odd problem show up. Rust in the driver floorpan is a simple repair. A small press in your garage and you can replicate a new one. Do like Fitzees Fabrications and make the new before cutting the old out. You can then use his cut and butt technique to weld the new in while cutting and pushing the old out of the way.
IH built thousands if not millions of medium and heavy duty trucks over the years with solid engineering behind them.
These Scout body panels are fairly simple so replicating using Fitzees techniques is doable if required, once you get past his goofy Newfie lingo.
With Broncos well past $50k, Scouts are looking to be a good option. If you inspect this one real good and maybe see if a body shop can inspect the body for a reasonable price to verify no serious hidden metal mice damage, I would try offering $18k and negotiate from there. Take your wife to test drive it with you. If it will be her vehicle, she is the one that needs to be happy. Being the colors she wants, you may be buggered as soon as she sees it.
All rubber products should be inspected if you do purchase, especially brake hoses. That stuff is another expense, but falls under maintenance items.