zinc oil useage?

I have done a LOT of research on the net about Zinc. Watched a 1 hr video by Lake Speed jr. I could not find any mention, ANYWHERE, of zinc causing a power loss & certainly not being a 'power eater' [ Newbomb Turk's words, not mine ].
The Penrite Oils web site has a 3 page technical paper on Zinc Myths & Legends. It talks about zinc providing a glass like protective film. Push a piece of steel across a glass plate & then push the same steel piece across a sheet of emery. Which one do you think absorbs more 'power'?

If zinc really did cost power, it would be a hot topic everywhere.....not just in one person's head.

And then there is common sense......

1000ppm is a common proportion of zinc that is added to oil [ sometimes more, sometimes less ]. That is 0.1% of the fill. Not 1%, not 10%, 0.1%!!!
Do you really think that 0.1% of anything in oil is going to be a 'power eater'????

You have a phone don't you? Use it. Call someone and talk to them because it's evident you can't do internet research.

BTW, did you buy the SAE paper or just read the abstract?

BTW, did you bother to LOOK at the Torco link I posted? If you did you'd see how different levels of zinc are in different oils, and each of those oils is formulated differently for more or less zinc.

Zinc eats power. It's there because they haven't found anything better yet, but companies like Torco and LAT design oils that account for the power loss.

And lets not forget you can't get that in a 10-12 dollar quart of oil. In fact, last time I checked there is only 2 sources for oil soluble liquid moly in the world. And there is more than one oil soluble liquid moly available.

Seems you have a lot to learn. Or not because ignorance is bliss.