Disowning Family Members

Karrin and I had to move Lucky the farm dog from his home to our house. Some people have no shame. That was my mom and Lucky feeding the Koi and Goldfish. We had a sump pump and filter at one end of the pond and piping buried under the landscaping mounds to the other end. There the water discharged through more filter media and trickled down the rocks for the waterfall. The pond had an aerator and heater to keep the fish alive during the winter. I had bought a Japanese Lionhead for mom's aquarium but a power outage killed most of the fish except him. She netted him and put him in the pond. Every fall she had me come out and catch him to take to a pet store with indoor ponds. The owner kept him during the winter and I had to go catch him every spring and put him back in the pond LOL. Man did I regret buying that fish!