452 heads on a 1965 Wedge ?

Yeah 12:1 on pump gas...& iron heads. Yeah right. That is why we are all doing it........because it works every time.
Every time now I see a post by Newbomb Turk, the needle on my BS meter shakes violently.....
I have had engines with 8.5:1 CR detonate on pump petrol.
There are many factors that can cause detonation, some are 'built in' to the original engine design which limits CR.
Far better to pick a modest CR & be safe; then you are not limiting your ign advance curve [ & losing power ] to try & control detonation.
Newbomb Turk isn't building a run of the mill engine to run 12.1 on pump gas. What he is saying to the op is 10.3 is not too much compression for pump gas 93.
My engine is about 13.1 with most people's pump gas iron head dcr 9.65 it will run on pump gas. I run it on av gas 100 when everyone said atleast 110 and it kicks *** on 100, I however hate pump gas smell so I chose the av gas