Random pictures thread

In the past 2 years I have bought a Sears brand cement mixer (craigslist) and 42" "attic fan" (Habitat ReStore) that I turned into a portable shop box fan. They are both that yellow-tan color with brown trim.

...and a Montgomery ward telephoto camera lens (thrift) for my friend that collects (and uses) camera stuff.
His dad used to call them "Monkey Wards".

Sears- gone
Wards- gone

Penny's we still have.
85% clothes, 10% perfume, and 5% housewares.
They did have a ratcheting pineapple corer I couldn't find anywhere else!

I remember in the early and mid 1980's when JCP started scaling back their toy and electronics departments. First the toys which pissed me off, then when I was old enough to appreciate them, the electronics. Boy was I double pissed. Their "MCS" stereo brand got laughed at in those times, but some of it was pretty nice.