Gets hot and stalls out

Good luck then!
Unless you mean the old Chrysler Master Technicians Conference. Get the basics down from the real deal the factory books; then principles, and then you can start to seperate the wheat from the chaff.
I don’t think you understand. I’m not being flippant; I literally don’t understand a lot of what you guys are saying. You’re teaching a masters class to someone in preschool! You say “get the basics down”. I agree, but here’s where I am: Find the timing? Ok…first I have to learn how to use a timing gun, what the hell I’m supposed to aim it at, take a reading and then make adjustments that (hopefully) make sense! So please, bear with me. I’ve learned more in a day than I could ever expect, and you all have been supremely giving with your knowledge and experience and I expect to learn a whole encyclopedia’s worth between here and there, but please be patient while I figure out the basics of the basics.