Low speed torque and driveability ?

Aren't all these posted torque charts run at WOT? To me, drivability means nice/smooth bottom end acceleration with the least amount of throttle opening.

I'm still sticking with my ''big inch/long arm theory.....:)
What I'm getting at more say stock cammed 2bbl 360 makes 330 tq @ 2500 rpm with 4bbl headers makes 373 tq @ 2500 rpm add a xe256 & xe268 and still makes around 375 tq say a xe275h drops down to 350 tq @ 2500 rpm, an xe285h say 325 tq @ 2500 rpm why is the 275 and 285 and maybe the 268 will usually be considered less drive friendly and stated cause will be considered the loss of torque.

Now you could say well we don't know what's happening torque wise idle-2000/2500 rpm which is basically true. But generally like you said we'd be at part throttle at those rpms to do normal driving and the engine will only be making a fraction of the available power it will be making what's needed which even a /6 is capable of doing unless when you drive a /6 it's floored the whole time. So even if you loss torque down here you generally wouldn't be using it anyways.

I'm just saying that the so called driveability might be other things than just torque.