Last one to post in this thread wins!

We have a golf course one block away from us and they live there so they don't have far to go for breakfast, lunch or supper. They can really get agressive if you have a small pet with you but the city isn't ready to do a cull on them yet. Maybe when someone gets really hurt they'll do something or at least think about it haha.
Going to be another sunny day but hope that damn wind stays away.
Have a great day fellas
I use the wife alert, she goes for a walk twice daily, 1/2 mile across 1/2 mile on dirt road and back. When she sees a coyote in the daylight it’s time to cull the herd. I leave the ones I shoot out there for a week or so before I go bury them with the tractor. seems to send a message to the rest of them. We used to have an old trapper that would drive around the area and keep the population down think he was getting $50 a pelt. But he passed 2 years ago. Make it a good one guys