Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Part 3

This is the very sad part of the story….that is hard for me to write, but it leads to something truly amazing and special
So fast forward 25 years, to the year 2022. I get talking with my dad one day about the old duster again and I asked him if he had any pictures of the car. His reply “No I don’t, but I sure wish I did”
Approximately 3-4 weeks later, my father passed away very unexpectedly .
Once I got the strength up….came the dreaded task of cleaning out his house and sorting out all of the affairs that go along with losing a loved one. My wife took on the vast majority of the tasks….without her, I’m not sure how I could have coped or dealt with things
While going through his belongings….guess what we find. 2 pictures that he obviously had forgotten all about…of the B5 blue 1971 duster!
After a few weeks of coping and trying to get over the loss, I decided that I’d like to have a duster built, in memory of my father and the times we had together while ripping up the streets in it….in our small country town. I’d build the car exactly as I remembered it…with these new found pictures in hand, to reference from
Then an idea hits me…..