Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

So after 5 pages I guess we can agree that it’s ok to bend the rules when it benefits us. Like I said earlier I would have been stuck running high 9’s for probably the rest of my life with stock parts that I had to throw on the scrap pile after three years. But my house and shop is full of offshore parts, tools, and appliances. The new W5 head will probably come along to late for this guy but I welcome a copy of a Mopar product for the younger guys up and coming.
Most guys "on the cheap" aren't really going that fast are they? Low budget guys always hit a wall at some point. I've been in the arguments with 318 guys it sometimes ends up at "well the 318 is better on gas..." at that point the conversation is over because we are no longer talking performance which is where the discussion started out. if someone is crying about money they aren't going fast or building a decent restored car. it isn't 1990 any more Mopars have been expensive now since the early 90s at least 30 years in terms of restoration etc. I had people telling me to buy Speedmasters instead of rebuilding my J heads...what about when the machine shop folds up and then you need it? Cheap guys don't fare well in the end. This may be a whole nother subject but yeah alot of people are out for themselves, they pride themselves on being cheap. thing is they are also not competitive in terms of racing or having a high performing street car . Being somewhat knowledgeable of business economy and what year we are in, I don't cringe at 1000 dollars like some people do. Uncle Tonys whole schtick is "doing it on the cheap" or "doing it with junk laying around..." has anyone seen the results? honestly iif someone doesnt have money in 2024 they arent even getting off the ground in the mopar hobby...pulling a heap off dung out of a field and fixing it up is done its too expensive...point of all that is those guys who think they can get into the old car game now are the ones demanding cheap parts...also retirees on a limited budget etc. the wifes 85 year old uncle needed a BBD for his 318 i said "get a rebuild kit..." he bought a knock off for 30 dollars more than the kit why? he didnt want to play around other than bolting a carb on ...I would have done the carb build fr him but hes stubborn. I said "those chinese knockoffs sometimes arent rebuildable, keep your old one...'
but yes guys on the cheap are where the demand for these parts is.

As an aside, Youtube is full of guys trying to demonstrate how well they can get a car to perform on the cheap. Its not much better than stock ETs if at all...
a stock 70 340 swinger did high 14s in the quarter back then yes you could shave a second off easily but is that fast today something to brag about? 13.70s? ehh some would say why bother...and cruise the thing on some repro 15 inch ralleys to cruises and shows why gut the car for a few 10ths and destroy what it is ...