2.76 vs 2.94 gearing

At one time
I had every rear end chunk, pre-set and ready to go, from 2.76 to 5.38; except 3.73s, 4.56s, 5.13s..
And I had a GVod (still do). So I could run anything. and I did. with a 4-speed. Which, ties the engine directly to the road. So I notice even the half-gear changes.

With the auto, the only places I feel the difference are, at zero mph, at WOT, and of course at the Cruize-rpm.
What I discovered was that a higher stall easily made up for any power/torque loss in first gear.
So I ran a 2800 stall with 2.94s one winter, and 2.76s in another.
With the 2800, the 2.76s were fine. The difference going down from 2.94s is 6.5%, so the cruise rpm dropped from 2380@zero-slip, to 2234. not that big a difference
But, when you stomp it at 30 mph, with 2.76s, and it goes into first@2780 rpm, don't hold your breath. But hang on; 2.94s was only 2960, so I mean, what's the big deal, the 273 is choked either way, and the difference is like 6>7 horsepower.
By the way, I ran a low-compression 318 with a 4bbl/ with a 2800; and I liked the 2.76s better, lol.