Last one to post in this thread wins!

I'm not sure if I actually "need" any more parts either, but I keep on collecting when the deal is right. It's an addiction.
It is a addiction. For me If it was such a good deal It's like a guy had no choice not to buy it. After long enough and to many parts a guy had to realize that maybe we don't need to take advantage of every good deal lol.

I've had to just stop looking at wanted adds for the longest time. Could be worse of course. At least the deals can be resold for profit. Or give motivation to build. Unlike other addictions that have no positive outcome.

Now I try to stay focused on the builds and the end result so only look for what I'll need at the moment or in a reasonable amount of time. Of course sometimes a deal can also just pop up and it makes a new plan for you. That happens a lot.