Jim Slusser Buyer Beware

Lol, I seriously appreciate you warning us, but I'll say it again ffs.
YOU mentioned an 84 yr old dragging a pr of cyl heads back lol. And then u mentioned an airport dolly...
So in my mind you were bribing senior citizens with Peek Freans and Ovaltine to haul these damned heads on a frickin plane.
Of course then u mentioned u were high on fumes and the senior citizen was actually 64. And as energetic as a meth addict.
When I said mule, I was being sarcastic and I said MOPAR MULE(mopar heads....mule) get it?
Does airport dolly=plane ride?
See how my thought process is plausible now? :lol:
Definitely. Only tried to help some people out. All I got in return was hens pointing out things of no relevance