Cat Pics

I follow almost any Post I see on Facebook that does TNR’s. When I started getting 8 ferals fixed last year it cost around 100.00 each average to get the cats fixed, checked out, treated for fleas, rabies, etc. I could walk In Monday to Wednesday with one cat in a trap with no appointment. Had to be in a trap so I had to buy a trap. Frankie’s Friends is probably at least 10 miles from me so that took four trips for each cat. It’s not easy for people to not only afford but have the time to do this.


We just got a reduction in cost. SPCA now has a $45 program, but prior to that, the cheapest was $75, and that was a brand new Humane Society program. Any place else here is over $100.

If "the dog catcher" was on board and we could have local, county, or even state funded programs, I believe we could get "the feral cat epidemic" under contol before it gets completely out of hand.