Comments on this 71 Dodge Demon.......

Man,Im tired of these morons asking thousands and thousandsd of dollars for these cars trying to rip off people.29,000,900?Thats a freaking joke.I see cars like this all the time on eBay,people asking outrageous prices for cars that are not even worth the asking price.Sure,you can put 30,000,00 into a car,but whats the guarantee that you get it all back?Although these cars are not as common as they use to be,they have not disappeared of the face of the earth.The other day,I saw a 72 Charger SE near my town for sale.The dam thing had a completly trashed interior,no motor(it was a OG 318 2 Barrel according to the VIN#)rust everywhere,flat steelie wheels and the crazy guy was asking $4000 for the car.People like this make me sick.