Comments on this 71 Dodge Demon.......

I believe you can Barrett - Jackson....they have run the prices up so high...and it's not just the car price. It's all the ginger bread THEY have as HIDDEN charges. Like if you have then transport the vehicle to the auction, then there is a charge to show the car...outside or inside or under the SPECIAL tent. Then each the buyer and the seller pays a 10% on the end and then the fee for this and for that. You come out with a HELL of lot less than you imagined going in.

Besides, alot of these lazy a$$es bought cars or took them on consignment a while back....NOW that the market has gone soft. They are stuck with them and having alot of money into them for one reason or antoehr....they still need the big buck to keep living in the life style they have chosen

Don't get me started....

This is what really burns my BUTT...guys that have a POS and ask the moon for it. Not realizing what it takes to make a clone and a #10 car

AND see what the bid is....there are people who will pay it and then b!tch