Tell your best work related screw up story!

I didn't do it, but the guys on the fire department went mutual aid to a call in the next town. In the rush they didn't notice the hose line dragging out the rear of the truck. I guess the nozzle hit a few cars enroute to that call.
My partner, while she was alone was responding back to the station in the ambulance to pick up another medic took a short cut in front of the building between the gardrail and the power pole. She hit the guide wire and it whipped the ambulance into the front door of the building and broke the pole. She sat there until the power could be shut off. The whole town flashed from that one and several transformers were on fire. Very amusing :roll: :eye: I'm surprised she didn't get fired. That one did lots of damage to both the building, ambulance and a bunch of machines around town due to the power surge.