Looking at buying a 1968 Dart with 440


When I first saw the car I thought 1500 max. Seeing pics and stuff on the engine, I would have offered 2K and let him come down to a number he was OK with. I saw that car the same place you did. You know what can be found around here. That car isn't rusty by east coast standards, but, us spoiled westies look at that and cringe.... :wink: All that stuff is an easy fix and pretty normal rust areas. I just took some original panel stuff that could have patched the trunk to da scrapper... :oops:

Back east guys all talk about that's worth X here... and then when it comes time move, nobody wants to get the car to them, even if the total cost plus shipping is 1K less than what they say. BTDT with more than one east coaster. No offense guys, but cars out here that are rust free are plentiful and don't garner the $$$ you all think they do. Cars are worth what the local market will bear, it's not a national market. Ex. I just bought a 71 Dart Swinger originally 318/904, no eng/trans, great trim, perfect grille, SBP 8 3/4 with SG, interior nice but needs dashpad, no rust anywhere one small crease in pass lower rear 1/4 and hood has a bend in front edge... $300. The guy had it for sale for 3 months with no takers!!!

You're going to have to pull the engine down to inspect the bores beings your by the coast and salt air can be killers on fresh bores.

Even at 2500, that's not bad if it's something you really desire. I have a rot box that I paid WAY too much for, but, really wanted the particular car. I'll always pay a bit more for something I really want and $500 isn't a deal breaker in most cases.

