What oil?

I'm gonna take some demerits on this one.
I HAD a 79 Civic for years for a commuter :oops:
I rebuilt the engine after 120 thousand.
After the rebuild I ran syn exclusively.
At 80k a main bearing went.
It was sludged up just as bad with the syn as the first time with regular oil.
What I THINK is going on is that engines are cleaner these days, period.
That was a carborated old tech engine and I just THINK it was less efficient engine. Loose clearances and all that.
Again, I just think this one.

Actually adriver I had the exact opposite experience a few years back. I rebuilt a chev 350 and a toyota V6 a few years back and both had been running synthetics most of there lives (150K and 200K) and I was amazed by how clean they were inside. I happened to mention that to a Chemist with Exxon (I'm not dropping names I'm just telling the story) and he said that was normal. I think the biggest mistake made with synthetics is people think they can run it forever. The oil still gets dirty and contaminated with fuel and water and chicken **** and small stones LOL so it still needs to be changed regularily like 6-8K miles.

