Help me make some sense of this

So now you need to use your cell phone... call a lawyer! The $750 (plus labor at the Ford dealer) to put your car right ain't the half of it. You were injured. The school district better give you satisfactory remedy quick. Unfortunately, under "no child left behind" the kid won't be expelled or even disciplined. When I was in school, not that many years ago, the kid would have been expelled AND ARRESTED on the spot, and the district would have charges filed against the kid and his parents before the last bell rang. Now days you as the teacher will probably be reprimanded for not controlling your kids. And why did they have cell phones in class? Such devices are banned in my kids school with good reason.

Don't get me started on how the current regime has taken accountability away from the student and placed it on the teacher. You are there to teach, not babysit. And people wonder why districts have a hard time keeping recruiting and retaining good teachers...