Help me make some sense of this

Sorry Kenny. Stupidity knows no bounds. These peckerwoods should be charged with felony arson, spend two years in jail and forced to break rocks for .10 an hour until they pay restitution. I don't think it's schools fault, but the parents fault for raising such poorly trained animals. I'd talk to your insurance company about sueing them for a rental car, injuries sustained, anguish and their general lack parenting skills and stupidity.

Sorry man but no sense can be made of this. 25 years ago you could beat the crap out of them, not anymore. You'd end up being the bad guy. You're going to have to use the legal system to your advantage here as I think the only thing these jag-offs are going to understand is if you hit them in their wallet. Get a laywer, contact the news media and make a stink. It will be to your advantage.